

We have fixed all of the remaining issues reported to us (and more…)!  (we think…)

Fixes include a really bad bug that would happen when saving/loading universes during the last half of the narrative stream - this bug could cause all sorts of havoc, including breaking the “saving wade” sequence, virus again, etc. 

While there may still be lingering unknown issues, the build should be in solid shape now!  Kindly let us know if you run into any more problems, and we’ll fix ‘em right away.


-Fixed issue where any universes loaded during the last half of the narrative stream would fire off all the starting logic for the last half of the stream (logic that should only ever fire once…), CAUSING HAVOC. (Fixed OnStart on logic_choreo_scene ents firing again when a level was restored on any choreo ents which were currently running)

-Fixed traitor not being damageable. (Fixed scripted sequences saving the incorrect state of NPC damageability and setting NPCs to be non-damagable after their animation state ended. This is only the case where a save was made durring an NPC scripted animation. NPCs damage state is properly restored now.)

-Fixed “pawn 1 dead” global not being set, and put some extra insurance to try and help some saved universes be in sync.  (this bug was accidently introduced just before 1.0.0…).

-Music volume levels and attenuation settings fixed up across the entire stream

-Fixed issue where a big chunk of the new king convo was inaccessible for everyone

-Fixed non-progression that would occur at the end of the convo with Kiril in the brig if he disliked the seeker


-Improved how NPCs which fall out of the map are handled. This fixes cases of loading universes and NPCs falling out of the stream environment, causing NPC dialog logic to fire erroneously.

-Fixed incorrect group sequence being assigned to a zenlil 1 choreo scene

-Fixed proximity sphere around initial stealth merc standoff not turning off in time which fired standoff groups which shouldn't fire if the player has already started attacking

-”Killed by” text in ending screen will now not include an "a {thing}" unless refering to an enemy unit, not an NPC name

-Fixed traitor not attacking the player during confrontation in bishop 8s cabin if the player mildly attacks them first

-Fixed traitor not wearing VR deck in cabin confrontation

-Fixed suffocation event not turning off in Bishop 6's cabin

-Cleaned up jank from info console buttons

-Fixed issue with the "k15 and Wade dancing” vid

-Fixed issue where traitor did not appear to materialize her KAR in during the confrontation.

-Fixed broken mission pod 1 launch sequence erroneously firing and the pod itself appearing to be back in the hangar bay briefly

-Fixed k15 line cutting off during saving wade

-Fixed lights being turned off when confronting traitor in b8's cabin - now lights only all go off for the traitor battle.

-Filled in collision holes in hangar bay

-Fixed Kiril not appearing to grab the cell bars correctly. (fixed kiril not able to have lower body bones gesture influence because of the looping scripted idle sequence he was in)

-Fixed traitor getting stuck in a super angered state if they were attacking the bishop before being knocked out and put in the brig

-Fixed issue where chapter saves caused hitches in NPC dialog

-Fixed failing "confront ###" objective too early when players can still technically complete it

-Fixed transform track in queen line

-Fixed all “Kiril intro pre-EMP attack” K15 chair bouncing

-Fixed the jank caused by a posture anim on pawn 64 being applied while he was in a movement sequence

-Pawn 64 will now correctly stop his movement if he is close to the bishop while running to him to talk to him

-Fixed being able to sneak by pawn 64 when agreeing to talk in the cabin and breaking things (rare).

Missile Defense:

-Fixed ending conditions of “Easy” so it doesn't end so early


-Updated localization with latest changes

-Tweaked lounge window virus behaviour 

-Suffocation damage reduced from 20 to 4.

Missile Defense:

-Slightly boosted difficulty of Easy missile defense

-Boosted difficulty of final wave of hard missile defense

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Established in 2006, Interdimensional Games Inc (iDGi) is a wholly independant R&D "boutique" video game studio. We're on a mission to push hard on the boundaries of first-person interactive narrative with an underlying moral and ethical compass. We make story driven first-person immersive simulations and believe in the future of voice driven VR interactive cinema.
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